Download AGIF Press Release 3


PRESS RELEASE                                                                                      


The American GI Forum of the US Condemns the Mistreatment of Immigrant Children

The American GI Forum of the US (AGIF US) condemns the mistreatment of immigrant children held at Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) facilities in McAllen and Clint Texas.  Innocent children have been forced into overcrowded unsanitary conditions, separated from their families, denied adequate food, water, and basic healthcare. 

Recent reports describe a house of horrors where children live in squalor, suffer flu like illnesses and even death.  Even more disturbing older children housed there are caring for inconsolable school age children and toddlers. 

The appalling conditions forced upon these destitute children do not reflect who we are as a humane society.  The United States of America has been a nation that set an example for nations across the globe to emulate.  Sadly, we have failed these children and we have failed as a nation. A nation that was designed to give a voice to all.

The AGIF calls on our neighbors, community based organizations and you to demand that our elected officials, the organizations charged with the care of these children and the US government immediately provide for the basic needs of these children which includes adequate food, health care, toiletries, access to showers, clean clothes, proper sleeping accommodations and protection from abuse and neglect. 

It is inexcusable that seven immigrant children have died while in the custody of the CBP.  Accountability at all levels is paramount and an instrument for change that must happen now. 

The American GI Forum of the US calls on our Federal Government to immediately provide more resources for the children in these facilities.  We call on Congress to conduct an investigation and to hold those responsible for the brutal treatment of these children accountable and to ensure that this never happens again. 

Contact:  Lawrence Romo, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The American GI Forum of the US is a Congressionally Chartered Veterans Family Organization that advocates for veterans, civil and equal rights and educational access for all.


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