Other Recent Deaths
We also sadly report that Mr. John Aleman, Lucian Adams Chapter recently lost his Brother. Joe B. Aleman 79, of Waco on December 14, 2016. He died after being hospitalized from an accident. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Candelaria V. Aleman, his 5 children, 20 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. Our Condolences to his wife and family, John and wife Jeanie Aleman on their loss. Our prayers are with Joe and his entire family

Mrs. Patsy Vazquez Contes, Past State and National Chairwoman also suffered a great loss recently. Patsy lost her mother, Mrs. Hortencia F. Hernandez, 82, on Christmas Eve December 24, 2016. She died after a long illness. She was surrounded by her family. It is an unfortunately sad and a tragic loss during this Holy Season. Our Condolences to Patsy, her husband Luis, her family and friends. Our prayers and thoughts from all of us to you and your family.

John Martinez, Commander
American GI Forum of Texas, Inc.