Film About Veterans from Veterans

Good afternoon, my name is Mark Reuss.  I am working on a film project titled,  "One Hundred Percent."    
The film project is about an Airman who is badly injured/burned but survives.  However, it is only the beginning of many more battles for this Airman.  The film depicts his inner battles with PTSD, depression, and suicide.  It illustrates his battles within himself as well. Additionally, the film project focuses on the family, faith, and community outreach. 
I have received great feedback from actors, film producers, and filmmakers.  In fact, on February 28th at 4:30 CST, our screenplay will be read on a podcast.  This event is a big step.  It has been read by several filmmakers and, the fact that it is being introduced to a much bigger group shows that it has great contents.  The challenge though-is that we might very well have to self-produce this film.  
It is my understanding that 2.7 million members have deployed since 9-11.  It is also my understanding that the number of veterans that commit suicide has reached 27 per day-not counting our active duty personnel.  Without giving too much detail away-I will tell you that our story communicates hope and the veteran DOES NOT take his own life.  The reason for this ... we want veterans to know that while there are may be challenges ahead of us, a difficult road behind us,  but that there is an inner strength within us.  And the goal of this movie is to realize that while times may be difficult in coping-we have a reason to fight and a reason to live.  
We believe this script captures family, resources, and communicates a very strong message to a very wide audience.  In fact, what makes this project unique is that is focuses on modern day veterans, faith based, and community very equally.  Many of the military films we think of today are WWII, Korea, or Vietnam.  There is no question, the United States loves their veterans.
It is for this reason that I would like to see if you desire to learn more and possibly team with us on this effort.  If we do not tell this story-I must ask ... who will?
The movie industry today has given us films about talking robots, gun fights, fast cars, dinosaurs, and super heroes.  It is my expectation that in May, 2022 in San Antonio, this film will truly define the word "hero" ......... and I invite you to be part.
If you are interested, I am willing to share this script as it is copyrighted and registered with the Writer's Guild of America and we are protected in that aspect.  
Mark S. Reuss
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Retired USAF