Resolution # 2018 - 16
Deported Veterans and Their Families Resolution Submitted From the Colorado State Women
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum of the United States was established in 1948 to address Mexican American Veterans and their families Civil Rights issues, and
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum of the United States was Congressionally Charted in 1998, becoming a greater voice in the halls of Congress in behalf of veterans, and
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum is committed to upholding the Constitution of the United States, including those rights related to protecting the individual rights of all citizens, and
Resolution# 2018-10
John McCain American Hero Acknowledgement Resolution
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum of the United States established in 1948 to address Mexican American veterans and their families Civil Rights issues, and
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum of the United States was Congressionally Chartered in 1998, becoming a greater voice in the halls of Congress in behalf of veterans, and
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum is committed to upholding the Constitution of the United States, including rights related to protecting the individual rights of all citizens, and
Resolution# 2018-11
KOREAN WAR 1950-1953
WHEREAS, Sixty five years ago, on July 27, 1953, the Korean War ended. In January 1950, U.S. Secretary of State, Dean Acheson declared South Korea to be outside the U.S. line of Defense. That signaled to Joseph Stalin, Soviet Premier, that the U.S. did not view South Korea as strategically importance, so in April of 1950 Stalin gave Kim II Sung, the leader of North Korea, the go-ahead to invade South Korea. On June 25, 1950 Kim II Sung invaded South Korea. Within two months after the start of the war, North Korea almost conquered South Korea leaving South Korea in control of only the Southern City of Busan, an area that became known as the Busan Perimeter. At that point, the U.S. along with support from 15 other countries, came to the defense of South Korea, and by October 1950 re-conquered the entire area that had been lost to the North. A month later the UN forces under U.S. command pushed the Korean communists almost to the border with China. On October 25, 1950, with General Douglas MacArthur's United Nations forces closing in a victorious end to the Korean War, Communist Chinese forces began pouring across the border attacking the UN Forces.