American GI Forum of Texas, Inc.
Serving Veterans and Families Since 1948
State Office
8833 Capitol View Drive • Austin, Texas 78747 • (512) 992-7066 • • E-Mail: stateoffice@agiftx
State Mid-Year Conference in Del Rio February 21-23
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The State Board of Directors will meet February 21-23, 2019 at the Ramada Inn Hotel, 2101 Veterans Blvd, Del Rio, Texas. Information on Room Reservations in Del Rio is as follows: Room Rates are set at $79.00 flat rate and include a breakfast buffet for 2 persons per room. For reservations call 830-775-1511 (mention AGIF) limited rooms have been blocked, so make your reservations NOW!
American GI Forum Report: AUSTIN, Texas –Chapter Commander Chris Aviles reports, “We continue to make progress in seeking sponsors for the upcoming convention as we look forward in making this event attractive for all attending. We have worked on sequence of events and are being put together and will be ready to be mailed electronically or by USPS to all Commanders and individuals that have an e-mail address in the AGIF state Data Files. We will have some assistance from the State in putting together materials for mailers and for updates on out state website. We also want to make sure we can properly reach all of the Texas chapters and keep them updated of rates, and fees, the itinerary, places and sites to visit and the conference sequence of all events.