Tony “Doc” Muniz with Lt Reynolds on the right.

Both were in the 2nd Recon Co. during the battles

of Kelly and Jackson Heights in the fall of 1952.


The 65th Regiment - General Cavazos & Me

Written by: Mr. Antonio I. Muniz, Korean War Veteran

Under perilous circumstances, Lt. Cavazos and I were both serving with the famous Boranqueneers soldiers of the 65th Infantry Regiment in the Korean War. I have written an article about the battles in Nov/Dec Issue of the 2005 KWVA magazine. Back then, we did not know each other and we never discussed where we came from. We did not realize that we were both from Texas, much less that we were neighbors; he was from Kingsville and I was from Falfurrias. We had even seen each other at the King Ranch where my stepfather was from. We must have been about 10 or 11 years old. I probably saw Richard Cavazos a couple of times, but never saw him again until I met him in Korea. There is a lot of talk about the Korean War. I was present in the following events that I would like to share: Lt. Cavazos was a platoon leader with Easy (E) Co.; I was with the 1st Platoon of the 3rd Recon Co. I was a combat medic for the 1st platoon. My platoon leader was Lt. Reynolds. On October 28th, 1952, Lt. Cavazos was given orders to push off the Chinese troops off the Jackson Heights Hill. Lt Cavazos took his troops to fight the enemy off the hill as was ordered. Meanwhile, Lt. Reynolds, our platoon leader was ordered to patrol around T-Bone Hill, which is further north of Jackson Heights. After we got back to the M.LR. at Chorwon, we got orders to be 100% alert because the enemy had reinforced and were fixing to go all out to retake the hill that Lt. Cavazos and his troops were bravely taking control of. Soon after, all hell broke loose. The enemy not only wanted back the hill, they went all out for complete victory and to win the war. We were hit with a barrage of artillery, mortar shells that lasted all day and all night. 


Back at Jackson Heights, Lt. Cavazos and his men were taking hell and were having a lot of men killed or wounded so he asked permission to abandon their position because they were killing all his men but permission was denied by the regimental commander of the 65th Regiment back in Seoul where they were not even near the action. Lt. Cavazos got upset and ordered his men, the ones that could still walk to abandon the hill. The enemy was already at the crest of the hill, so they escaped through some rice paddles which were mined by the enemy. This created even more casualties. Lt. Cavazos asked for volunteers to go back with him to rescue his men. This is when I, myself and two other men, Cpl. Prevenzano and a man by the name of Dickerson or Dickson of 1st platoon volunteered to go and joined E Company. We all went back to try to rescue the wounded. The enemy was heavily firing upon us, but we managed to get them back to the M.LR. to safety. After we completed our mission, a Lt. Col from the 65th Infantry Regiment was waiting for Lt. Cavazos and his men who had abandoned their position, to take their names. They were escorted to the rear to face court-martials, a very stupid deed. This was ludicrous after Lt Cavazos and his troops so bravely fought. Lt Cavazos later was exonerated and went on to become a 4-star General. I too received several medals, and at 87 years old, some are still pending. Unless you were there, few know the hell we endured and the harsh memories it left. 

FOOTNOTE: On an article that I just read recently on Pozo Productions N. Y. -a Boronquaneers Soldiers Magazine about General Cavazos, I realized that he (Lt. Cavazos) is the same man who was with me at this fierce battle at Chorwon/Jackson Heights. I also just not that long ago found out that General Cavazos had passed away. God is with you my friend. You are in Heaven because you already spent your time in hell. Goodbye, my friend, you will always be my Hero. I am proud to have served with the best Unit, who was the Only Unit awarded the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal in the Korean War since the Navajo Code Takers of World War II, and also to have served with the “to hell and back” 3rd Infantry Division.

Antonio I. (Tony) Muniz