Resolution # 2018 - 16
Deported Veterans and Their Families Resolution Submitted From the Colorado State Women
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum of the United States was established in 1948 to address Mexican American Veterans and their families Civil Rights issues, and
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum of the United States was Congressionally Charted in 1998, becoming a greater voice in the halls of Congress in behalf of veterans, and
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum is committed to upholding the Constitution of the United States, including those rights related to protecting the individual rights of all citizens, and
WHEREAS, the American GI Forum proudly and wholeheartedly supports all military members, and,
WHEREAS, the delegation of the 70th Annual National Conference of the American GI Forum of the United States will inform National Legislators and the President of the United States in regards to deported veterans and request a response as to their support or non-support, and
WHEREAS, the Governor of California did pardon three deported veterans who were then in effect brought back to the United States to join their families, and
WHEREAS, the National Veterans for New America have shown their united support for their efforts and plight of DACA and all deported veterans, and
WHEREAS, families of all deported veterans are broken up, are left behind, financially suffer after the veteran (s) are sent back to their native country.
RESOLVED, that this 70th Conference of the American GI Forum are in support of deported veterans and their families, and are asking our President and all federal legislators to support a pardon of any deported veteran(s) and to stop deportation proceedings in order to bring them home.